- Wingspan: 1604mm (63.31in)- Length: 1224mm (48. 1 in)- Flying weight: 2.6-3.0 kg- Wing area: 37.5 dm2- Wing loading: 74.5g/dm2- Wing type: Naca airfoils- Gear type: Aluminum main gear and spring tail gear (included)- Spinner size: Plastic 58mm (included)- Radio: 4 channel minimum (not included)- Servo: 2 aileron; 1 elevator; 1 rudder; 1 throttle (not included)- Recommended receiver battery: 4.8-6V / 800-1200mAh NiMH (not included)- Propeller: suit with your engine- Engine: .46-.55 / 2-stroke or .52/4-stroke glow engine (not included)- Motor: brushless outrunner 1000-1400 W, 480 KV (not included)- Experience level: Intermediate- Plane type: Scale Civilian
RECOMMENDED EP MOTOR AND BATTERY SET UP- Motor: RIMFIRE .46-.55 (not included)- Lipo cell: 6 cells / 4000 – 5500mAh (not included)- Esc: 50-70A (not included)